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Very Much to Me - Matthew Lien


{放松新世纪纯净男声:Very Much to Me}

一段非凡旅程的起点,可贵的是,旅程中有你、有我、有我们共同的追寻,那就是对爱的渴望,Matthew Lien来自加拿大的吟唱诗人,这首钢琴伴奏的新世纪歌曲,安静如清泉般的旋律+纯净的男声,柔和了耳朵洗涤了灵魂.


You are very much to me
In my life, in my heart, in my soul
You are very much to me
And I just wanted you to know

I only want to say
I want to say what I feel in my heart
That I am with you all the way
And there's no doubt in my heart
That we should not be apart

You are very much to me
In my life, in my heart, in my soul
You are very much to me
And I just wanted you to know